Upper eyelid surgery, also known as an upper blepharoplasty, is ideal for patients with excessive hooded upper eyelid skin that gives patients a tired look or can hang down and impair vision. For some patients it can get so severe that the skin rests on their eyelashes, making it hard to open their eyes and obstructing their visual field. Excess eyelid skin is removed during the procedure, and the underlying tissue is re-positioned for an awakened appearance and improved visual field. There are two types of Upper Blepharoplasty incisions we offer at LINE Plastic Surgery. The first type has the incision on the patient’s original crease. The second type is the below-the-brow incision, which we call Below Brow Lift, with a more inconspicuous scar concealed under the eyebrow. Whether the upper blepharoplasty is done for aesthetic or functional purposes, our doctors can perform upper eyelid surgery to create fresher and rejuvenated eyes.


– Excess skin obscuring the natural fold of the upper eyelids
– A puffy appearance to the upper eyelids, making eyes look tired and sad
– The upper eye surface is too small or not smooth enough to apply makeup
– Loose upper eyelid skin that impairs vision


Our doctors will first ask about the patient’s specific goals for the upper eyelid surgery. They will also ask about the patient’s general health history, including any known allergies and the patient’s current medications. Our doctors will then give their assessment and tailor the surgical plan to be individualized for each patient. Since each patient’s anatomy and surgical goals are different, our doctors work with our patient’s unique features to achieve the best results.


Upper blepharoplasty procedures are performed with the patient under local anesthesia for approximately 1 hour. Our doctors will make the incision in the natural upper eyelid crease or below-the-brow, ensuring that the scar will be well hidden. They will then remove excess skin, with the added possibility of removing a little bit of fat, and tightening up the underlying muscle depending upon the patient’s individual anatomy. The goal is to create rejuvenated and natural appearing eyelids.

Provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons


– Apply ice packs for the first 72 hours to the operations site with 20 minutes intervals (20 mins on 20 mins off).
– Elevate your head and shoulders up on 2 or more pillows for the first week. Do not lie down on your sides.
– Use any prescribed antibiotic eye drops for 1 weeks or according to doctor’s order. Pain after surgery is usually mild.
– Take pain killers like Tylenol. Severe pain should be reported immediately.
– If needed, the estimated schedule to remove stitches is 1 week after surgery.
– Bruising and swelling will gradually subside within 2 weeks. Scars will fade and soften for about 6 months or more.


“Upper blepharoplasty procedures are performed with the patient under local anesthesia for approximately 1 hour. Our doctors will make the incision in the natural upper eyelid crease or below-the-brow, ensuring that the scar will be well hidden. They will then remove excess skin, with the added possibility of removing a little bit of fat and tightening up the underlying muscle depending upon the patient’s individual anatomy. The goal is to create rejuvenated and natural appearing eyelids.”


“As we age, upper eyelid skin becomes loose and stretched out. Eyelid skin begins to hang over the eyelashes, or even over the eye. This gives a tired appearance, makes eyes look small and can worsen eyesight. Blepharoplasty can correct these issues while restoring a more bright-eyed and youthful appearance. I use a careful technique to ensure the correct amount of skin is removed, while maintaining a natural appearance. ”


“This is one of the most common procedures I perform. Many of my patients are very bothered by the excess skin and/or fat of their upper eyelids. The operation is relatively quick and low-risk but makes a dramatic difference in refreshing and rejuvenating the eyes. It is important to perform blepharoplasty with great care and precision to optimize the shape and symmetry of the eyelids, so I always take my time.“



What can I expect from my final Upper Eyelid surgery results?

Upper Eyelid surgery results should be long lasting. For the most part, removal of hooding and upper eyelid skin is a procedure that is performed only once. As aging continues, the brow can drop or descend, causing excess skin to reappear on the upper eyelid, but in this case the solution is a brow lift, not a second upper blepharoplasty. If you are a candidate that underwent this surgery because of a tired look, you can expect a more youthful and rejuvenated overall facial appearance.

Will my Upper Eyelid surgery scar be visible?

During the surgery, our doctors will mark the natural line and crease of the lids or trace under the eyebrow and keep the scars as hidden as possible along these natural folds. Fine sutures will be used to close the incisions, thereby minimizing scar visibility.

What are some recovery tips after Upper Eyelid surgery?

The amount of time it takes for recovery varies, but here are some recovery tips for Upper Eyelid surgery:
– Follow our doctor’s instructions carefully.
– Sleep with the head raised higher than the chest.
– After upper blepharoplasty surgery the eyelids will typically feel tight. Patients can treat soreness with acetaminophen or Tylenol. Bruising typically occurs but will resolve within two weeks.
– Avoid straining, heavy lifting, swimming, and strenuous activities, such as aerobics and jogging, for at least six weeks.
– Patients may notice that their eyes tire easily for the first several weeks of the recovery period. Take frequent naps. Avoid activities that may dry the eyes, including reading, watching television, wearing contacts, and using a computer.
– For the first two weeks after surgery, wear dark sunglasses to protect the eyes from irritation caused by sun and wind.
– Seek medical attention immediately for shortness of breath, chest pains, an unusual heart rate, new pain, bleeding, or visual disturbance.





We are looking forward to meeting you in person, hearing your aspirations, and tailoring a surgical plan especially for you. We hope our in-person consultation will answer all of your questions, provide you a sense of confidence and also further your excitement of the path you are on.

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