PicoSure is a quick, easy, and non-surgical laser skin treatment that uses light waves and special lenses to develop waves that restore the skin. One thing different from other lasers is that Picosure creates reduced heat damage to the areas, which leads to a faster recovery time.

The benefits of the treatment will surface gradually as your body’s natural healing process kicks in. Most individuals realize improvements within the first 2 or 3 weeks following their initial consultation. Your outcomes will improve until your last session or attain the desired result.


This procedure is safe for all types and tones, virtually anyone interested in it will be a good candidates with a prior skin evaluation.
– Who has anti-aging concerns
– Skin discolorations
– Skin moles or Dark patches
– Unwanted pigment-related difficulties


One of the reasons PicoSure is becoming so popular is because of its ease and convenience. Most treatments don’t take much more than 20-25 minutes, and discomfort during the procedure is typically minimal. Most patients describe the sensation as similar to a sunburn, which is better tolerated by some than others. A numbing gel is always available to help make the procedure more comfortable, if necessary.

During the procedure, a specialized handpiece is used to deliver picosecond laser energy to the areas of the skin that require rejuvenation. Damage to healthy skin is minimal since the laser uses short bursts of energy and can be precisely targeted to treat problems like brown spots and acne scarring. Once the laser has been passed over all affected skin, the treatment is complete.


– Skin laxity
– Fine Lines & Wrinkles
– Age spots & Sun damages
– Freckles
– Acne scar
– Removing pigmentated lesions
– Uneven lighter or darker skin tone
– Skin texture


With PicoSure, your skin will look bright, healthy and glowing all day long—even without makeup. Fast and gentle, it treats freckles, sun damage, birthmarks and more. PicoSure works in harmony with your skin to lighten pigmentation such as freckles, sun damage and more. It breaks up the tiny particles that make up these discolorations. The particles are then absorbed into the skin.


Be ready for your big reveal. Check out PicoSure, a fast, gentle treatment for acne scars and large pores. No need to cover-up afterwards; it will boost skin texture and tone from the get-go. PicoSure works by signaling skin cells to release proteins which are detected by other cells. This encourages skin to heal as it produces new collagen and elastin. The result? Smoother, more radiant, healthier skin.


Banish the fine lines and wrinkles that come from expressing yourself. Get ready to feel all the feels and feel beautiful doing it. PicoSure kickstarts cells to release proteins that are then detected by surrounding cells. The skin starts healing as it creates new collagen and elastin. The treatment gently smooths as it restores your natural radiance.


How do I know if PicoSure is right for me?

For starters, PicoSure is the most versatile short-pulse laser in the world. It treats skin discoloration, acne scarring and fine lines and wrinkles. Other products and lasers may treat these as well, but PicoSure is the only way to achieve great results quickly, gently and with virtually no downtime.

Is PicoSure safe?

PicoSure’s ultra-fast pulses and specialized wavelengths work together to minimize the amount of heat that is transferred. Less heat means less damage to surrounding skin and less risk of injury.

How long do results last?

Acne scar results are permanent. Skin revitalization results are long lasting, but some skin discoloration can recur. Some patients find that a PicoSure Focus treatment every six months can help prevent accumulation of skin discoloration and slow the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

What does the procedure feel like?

Most people experience very little discomfort. Some describe it as feeling like the snap of a rubber band. Your treatment provider should be able to offer numbing cream or other aids to minimize discomfort.

What is the recovery time?

It depends on what’s being treated and your skin’s ability to heal. Typical treatment intervals are 2-6 weeks for skin discoloration. Treatments for acne scars and wrinkles using the Focus lens array can be performed every 3-4 weeks. Your treatment provider will create a plan just for you.





We are looking forward to meeting you in person, hearing your aspirations, and tailoring a surgical plan especially for you. We hope our in-person consultation will answer all of your questions, provide you a sense of confidence and also further your excitement of the path you are on.

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