Mole removal laser treatment is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that uses a laser to remove unwanted moles from the skin. The treatment is relatively painless and may feel like a slight stinging or burning sensation, similar to a small rubber band snapping against the skin. Mole removal is a common procedure done to remove benign moles that are raised, flat, or pigmented. The duration of the treatment depends on the size and location of the mole, but it typically only takes a few minutes to complete.


During the procedure, a laser is directed at the mole, which heats and destroys the pigmented cells that make up the mole. The laser also cauterizes the surrounding blood vessels, minimizing bleeding and reducing the risk of infection. The laser treatment is precise and typically leaves little to no scarring.

After the treatment, the skin may be slightly red or swollen, but this typically resolves within a few days. The treated area will form a scab, which will eventually fall off, revealing fresh, new skin underneath.


Can mole removal treatment be performed on all types of moles?

Mole removal treatment is typically not recommended for moles that are suspicious for cancer. If there is any concern that a mole may be cancerous, a biopsy may be performed before treatment to ensure that it is safe to proceed. Additionally, very large or deep moles may not be suitable for laser treatment. Our practitioners can assess your skin and provide personalized recommendations for treatment.

Will the mole grow back after removal?

If the entire mole is removed, it is unlikely to grow back. However, if any mole cells remain in the skin, it is possible for the mole to grow back.

Does mole removal laser treatment hurt?

Most people report little to no discomfort during mole removal laser treatment. However, some people may experience a slight stinging or burning sensation during the treatment, which can be alleviated with a topical numbing cream.





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