Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a cosmetic procedure that involves the use of small, fine needles to create tiny punctures (micro-injuries) in the skin’s surface. These micro-injuries stimulate the body’s natural wound healing process, which includes the production of collagen and elastin, two essential proteins for healthy skin. By creating a serum alongside a microneedling procedure, our Aesthetic Technician can rejuvenate your skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and enhance the softness and glow of your facial features with this quick, easy treatment in our office. If you have skin conditions such as acne, surgical scars, melasma, keloids, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, large pores, or stretch marks, microneedling would provide you with results comparable to fractional laser treatments with minimal downtime. If you would like to learn more about microneedling, please call our office, and schedule your consultation today.


Acne & surgical scars
– Enlarged pores
– Hyperpigmentation, age & dark spots
– Smoothing uneven skin tone
– Wrinkles & Fine lines
– Stretch marks
– Sun damage
– Promote hair growth


Before the procedure, the skin is usually cleaned and a topical numbing cream may be applied to minimize discomfort. A device with fine, sterile needles is passed over the skin’s surface. The depth and density of needle penetration can vary depending on the specific concerns being addressed and the type of device used. The Aesthetic Technician will then use a hand-held microneedling device on the facial skin for about 15 – 20 minutes, and it will then start to stimulate collagen production in the skin. Your face will be cleansed again before leaving our office.


– Mild swelling, redness, and slight bruising for the first 1 – 3 days in the treatment areas.
– The skin will need time to heal and repair and will reveal renewed skin for 6 – 18 months.
– To maximize results, we recommend having treatments every 1 – 2 months.


How long does microneedling last?

Results may vary based on the severity of the skin concern, its location, and the treatment plan used. A doctor may recommend four to six treatment sessions. The skin may continue increased collagen production for 3 to 6 months after microneedling treatment.

How many sessions of microneedling do I need for acne scars?

Treatment plans vary from person to person, but research has shown mild improvement in post-acne scarring after just two microneedling sessions. After six sessions, people saw moderate improvement in their skin texture and good enhancement of scar appearance.

What to avoid when doing microneedling?

Avoid applying ice or heat to the injection site for the first 72 hours post-procedure. Don’t take a hot bath or go to a sauna for the first few days post-procedure. Avoid consumption of any alcoholic beverages for 2 days post-procedure. Avoid baths for the first 24 hours following your procedure.





We are looking forward to meeting you in person, hearing your aspirations, and tailoring a surgical plan especially for you. We hope our in-person consultation will answer all of your questions, provide you a sense of confidence and also further your excitement of the path you are on.

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