Lower eyelid surgery, also known as lower blepharoplasty or eye bag surgery, is a great procedure for patients to improve the appearance of the bags under their eyes, which can give patients a tired appearance. Excess eyelid skin is removed during the procedure, as well as fat, and the underlying tissue can be tightened and re-positioned to improve the overall appearance. Lower eyelid surgeries are among one of our most popular procedures and our doctors have performed many successful lower eyelid surgeries that make their patients look younger and more awake.


– Excess skin and fine, crepe paper type lower eyelid wrinkles
– Eye bags and dark circle under the eyes


Our doctors will first ask about the patient’s specific goals for the lower eyelid surgery. We will examine the lower eyelid area with the eyes open and closed. Our doctors will then give their assessment and discuss how the surgical plan will be individualized for the patient’s anatomy. Since each patient’s anatomy and surgical goals are different, the patient and our doctors will work together to reach optimal aesthetic results.


Our doctors will first ask about the patient’s specific goals for the lower eyelid surgery. We will examine the lower eyelid area with the eyes open and closed. Our doctors will then give their assessment and discuss how the surgical plan will be individualized for the patient’s anatomy. Since each patient’s anatomy and surgical goals are different, the patient and our doctors will work together to reach optimal aesthetic results.

Provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons


– Apply ice packs for the first 72 hours to the operations site with 20 minutes intervals (20 mins on 20 mins off).
– Elevate your head and shoulders up on 2 or more pillows for the first week.
– Use any prescribed antibiotic eye drops for 1 weeks or according to doctor’s order.
– Pain after surgery is usually mild. Take pain killers like Tylenol. Severe pain should be reported immediately.
– If needed, the estimated schedule to remove stitches is 1 week after surgery.
– Red eyelids, swelling and bruising are normal and should decrease after 2 weeks.

– Avoid wearing contact lenses for the first 1 week after surgery. Wearing eyeglasses is acceptable.


“Both upper eyelid surgery and lower eyelid surgery are two of my favorite procedures for patients. These usually give excellent results with immediately visible benefits for patients. The eyes and their surrounding skin are some of the first areas of the face to experience changes with aging, so early rejuvenation of these areas can make a dramatic difference.

In the lower eyelids, I will vary my approach based on the individual patient. In some patients, it is purely an excess skin problem causing lower eyelid skin wrinkling. In others, there is some muscle weakness that can be addressed with tightening. In others, there is an issue of excess fat causing a bulging eye bag appearance. The approach to each patient needs to be individualized based on what specifically is causing the suboptimal appearance.”


“This operation fixes 2 major issues in the lower eyelid that make people look older: extra skin, and puffiness under the eye. Both men and women love the dramatic change in brighter eyes and looking less tired.

Over the years, both the upper and lower eyelids can begin to look puffy and stretched. This is caused by fat herniation, which causes bags under the eyes along with sagging skin. Blepharoplasty can correct these issues while restoring a more bright-eyed and youthful appearance.

I use a delicate technique to reduce the fat under the eyes and create a smooth contour in the tear trough. Some patients need extra skin removed, while others do not. When external incisions are needed, a very fine stitch is used to create a scar that is nearly undetectable after healing.


“If you have concerns about under-eye bags, dark circles, or lower eyelid wrinkles, a lower blepharoplasty is a great procedure to rejuvenate an aged or tired appearance. Excess tissue is removed and fat is redistributed, resulting in a more alert and well-rested appearance.“



What are the different techniques for lower eyelid surgery?

With traditional blepharoplasty, our doctors will make the incision in an inconspicuous site along the lash line and smile creases of the lower lid. In a transconjunctival approach, our doctors will correct eyelid puffiness caused by excess fat by making an incision inside the lower eyelid. This technique requires no external incision, but it cannot be used to remove excess skin. The type of eyelid surgery technique will be chosen based on the patient’s facial features and aesthetic preferences. The goal is to help you achieve the most beautiful and natural-looking results.

What can I expect in my final results?

Lower eyelid surgery results should be long lasting. Lower blepharoplasty is performed to remove eye bags and puffiness around the eyes, and typically requires just one surgery. However, as we age our eye bags and excess skin can naturally reappear years down the line which might require another lower eyelid surgery. Your final results will present a more youthful and brighter appearance. No more worrying about eye bags that gave you a tired and older appearance.

Lower eyelid surgery recovery tips?

For a smooth recovery period, patients should have the following items readily accessible at home:
– Ice cubes, ice pack, or freezer bags filled with ice, frozen corn, or peas (based on recommendation for cold application to the eyelids)
– Eye drops or artificial tears (ask our doctors to recommend the proper type)
– Over-the-counter painkillers like acetaminophen or Tylenol
– Clean washcloths and towels
– Small gauze pads and Q-tips
– Sunglasses





We are looking forward to meeting you in person, hearing your aspirations, and tailoring a surgical plan especially for you. We hope our in-person consultation will answer all of your questions, provide you a sense of confidence and also further your excitement of the path you are on.

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