Canthoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is designed to enhance the overall shape of the eyes by reshaping the lateral or medial corners of the eyes. There are two main types of canthoplasty we do here at LINE Plastic Surgery Center. Epicanthoplasty, which enlarges the eyes by removing the epicanthal folds over the inner corner of the eye, and Dual Lateral Canthoplasty, which reshapes and lengthens the lateral canthus, or the outer corner of the eyes. The result is the appearance of naturally balanced eyes with more white showing. Epicanthoplasty can also help correct the appearance of distantly apart or slightly crossed eyes. This reconstructive procedure can be done alone or in combination with other oculoplastic procedures such as the Asian Double Eyelid procedure, a popular combination that patients opt for to complete the brighter eye look..


– Patients with epicanthal folds that covers the whites of the eyes, making the eyes appear smaller or further apart
– Patients with a shorter width between the eyes and want to soften a harsh upwards tilt
– Patients who want to get double eyelid surgery but have thick epicanthal folds in the way
– Patients who prefer the look of enlarged, balanced eyes

– Patients who want to revise a previous eyelid surgery and refine the shape


Our doctors will first ask the patient about their specific goals for their desired eye design, including preferences on height, width, and overall shape. Depending on the patient, an epicanthoplasty or dual lateral canthoplasty may be recommended during the assessment, with or without other facial procedures. Every eye is different and so an in-person assessment is required for the best results. Once the patient and doctor have discussed several treatment options, a surgical plan will be individualized for the patient.


There are different methods of performing the canthoplasty procedure, and all of them are performed in-office under local anesthesia. The surgical procedure takes approximately 1 hour. For the epicanthoplasty procedure, our doctor will make carefully measured incisions at the innermost corner of the eyes. Afterwards, the excess skin of the epicanthal fold is removed and the open incisions are closed with sutures. For the dual lateral procedure, our doctor makes an incision at the lateral canthus, or the outer corner of the eyes. The lateral canthus is then repositioned to the desired width and lateral tilt, and finally closed with sutures.


– Apply ice packs for the first 72 hours to the operations site with 20 minutes intervals (20 mins on 20 mins off).
– Elevate your head and shoulders up on 2 or more pillows for the first week.
– Use any prescribed antibiotic eye drops for 1 weeks or according to doctor’s order.
– Pain after surgery is usually mild. Take pain killers like Tylenol. Severe pain should be reported immediately.
– If needed, the estimated schedule to remove stitches is 1 week after surgery.
– Any tight feeling or eyelash numbness will disappear over several months. Full healing of any incision can take 6 to 9 months or more.
– Gently clean incisions with moistened Q-tips or gauze. Red, elevated or bumpy incision can be observed in the weeks after surgery and usually subside within 2 weeks. Scars will fade and soften for about 6 months or more. Itching is common
– Avoid wearing contact lenses for the first 1 week after surgery.


“Upper blepharoplasty procedures are performed with the patient under local anesthesia for approximately 1 hour. Our doctors will make the incision in the natural upper eyelid crease or below-the-brow, ensuring that the scar will be well hidden. They will then remove excess skin, with the added possibility of removing a little bit of fat and tightening up the underlying muscle depending upon the patient’s individual anatomy. The goal is to create rejuvenated and natural appearing eyelids.”


“In some Asian patients, they have skin covering the inner part of their eyes, almost like a small area of soft skin web. I see it in perhaps about 50% of patients requesting the double-eyelid procedure. This web can be opened up in a procedure called the medial epicanthoplasty. It is often done at the same time as the double-eyelid procedure. ”



What will my Canthoplasty results be like?

Initially the eyelid will look different than expected due to the swelling and bruising but over a period of 1-2 months, it will achieve an ideal level and shape. For best results, patients should apply cold compresses for about 2 days to prevent swelling and avoid vigorous activities for at least 6 weeks. The sutures are usually removed after a week. With your canthoplasty, you can expect your eyes to appear bigger, brighter, and more youthful.

How long does Canthoplasty take?

Canthoplasty is done on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Our doctors prefer to do the procedure under local so they can interact with the patient to verify the shape and position of the canthal incisions during surgery. The procedure takes about 1 – 2 hours and involves removing a small amount of excess skin and placing sutures.

Are there any Canthoplasty risks?

Fortunately, most of the major risks of canthoplasty are very rare. For some scar-prone patients, there may be some immediate scarring after the surgery, but over the course of a few months, the scars will improve and fade leaving a natural looking result.





We are looking forward to meeting you in person, hearing your aspirations, and tailoring a surgical plan especially for you. We hope our in-person consultation will answer all of your questions, provide you a sense of confidence and also further your excitement of the path you are on.

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