Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, Jeuveau are FDA-approved nonsurgical treatments for targeting active lines or age-associated wrinkles. These compounds are derived from botulinum toxin A, which temporarily weakens or paralyzes specific muscles underneath the skin. As a result, the weakened muscle does not contract as strongly and therefore the overlying skin wrinkles appears less prominently.

All four brands of botox are effective treatments that originate from the same source bacterium, clostridium botulinum. The result is almost always the same: each injectable temporarily paralyzes the targeted muscle areas on the face to relax and ease out the appearance of wrinkles. Due to their proven abilities, each is often paired with dermal fillers, like Restylane or Juvederm, for dramatic facial rejuvenation.

While treatment is individualized at Line Plastic Surgery Center in Los Angeles, there are several potential areas for wrinkle relaxers: the vertical frown lines between the eyebrows, the crow’s feet lines extending out from the corners of the eyes, and the horizontal forehead lines above the eyebrows. Outside of wrinkle relaxing, botox in higher quantities are also used to slim the jawline, calves, and even relax shoulders. Other areas becoming more popular with patients are overall facial skin tone and pore reduction and even underarm sweating.


Lines and wrinkles on the faces caused by common facial movements
– A desire for softened or partially improved facial wrinkles
– Mandible (masseter) muscle reduction to create a slim jawline
– Grinding of the teeth at night
– Minimally invasive skin lifting when injected into the outer layer of the skin
– All-around skin smoothing and pore reduction
– To relax tense trapezius or neck muscle and elongate the neck
– Slimming of the calves
– Preventing migraines
– Blocking nerve signals responsible for producing sweat



Our practitioners perform a full consultation and examination of the patient before administering injections. Our practitioners will ask about the patient’s medical history, current medications, which areas the patient wants treated, and the patient’s desired outcome so he can determine the correct type and quantity or strength of botox injection that is best for the patient’s treatment.


To perform the injection, our practitioners will use a very thin needle to minimize pain. More sensitive patients may need numbing cream and will need to factor in that numbing cream usually requires a wait time of 15-20 minutes to be effective. After the procedure, most patients see partial effects in 2-4 days and full effects in about a week. The effects usually last from 3-6 months, but there have been individual cases in which the effects last for less than 3 months and some that last longer than 6 months.


– Patients can return to their regular activities immediately after Botox. However, strenuous activity is discouraged for the remainder of the day.
– We recommend patients not to lie down for at least 4 hours post-treatment.
– Redness and swelling that occur at the time of injection usually resolves itself quickly. Any bruising that might occur will usually resolve in 1-2 weeks.


“My approach to any injections, including all of the neuromodulators like BOTOX and Dysport is that the neuromodulators need to be injected in precise locations within specific muscles to achieve the best results. Every surgeon has a different technique, and for me, the technique that I use has provided very good results and very happy patients. I think that the key to success is precise injection technique and good judgment in deciding where to place the individual injections.

Overall, I believe a conservative approach can give patients very nice results that appear natural. I’ve found that there is a balance to strike, in trying to lighten some of the lines in the face, but while maintaining facial harmony so that the overall facial appearance looks refreshed and still natural.”



Does Botox hurt?

Botox treatments are quick and not considered painful. Most patients say they experience minimal discomfort during the injection process, but that it does not continue after the completion of the procedure. Because Botox treatment requires no anesthesia or recovery time, some patients even schedule appointments for Botox injections during their lunch hour and are able to return to work right after procedure.

How long do Botox last?

The outcome will vary from person to person, but typically you can expect the results of Botox to last from three to six months. The location of the injection and the amount used are the biggest factors that may affect how long it lasts. Other factors include your age, the elasticity of your skin, and wrinkle depth. Over time when facial muscles aren’t used, they eventually get shorter and smaller so regular use of Botox may extend the results for longer periods of time.

What age should I start getting Botox?

Many patients wonder if they are too young or too old to try Botox. Some begin treatment as a preventative measure at the first site of lines and wrinkles. Others wait until later in life when these expression lines become more prominent. To determine if you may benefit from Botox treatment, it’s best to first schedule a consultation with a licensed professional.

Is there anything I need to do to prepare for my Botox treatment?

We may advise you to not consume alcohol or cease taking certain medications or supplements in the week prior to your treatment such as aspirin, ibuprofen, Gingko Biloba, or Ginseng, which are known to thin the blood. This will help minimize the potential side effects listed above.





We are looking forward to meeting you in person, hearing your aspirations, and tailoring a surgical plan especially for you. We hope our in-person consultation will answer all of your questions, provide you a sense of confidence and also further your excitement of the path you are on.

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